

Transforming the lawyer-client relationship



The legal landscape has changed

Clients, as informed purchasers, expect to be in control of their legal services, and part of the team.

Lawyers want to be trusted advisors, bringing value to the table, rather than undertaking process work.

The focus is on outcomes and return on investment, rather than the billable hour.

Lawyers and clients value legal services by reference to the time spent and the tasks undertaken.  This is not how other professional service providers work, nor how other purchases are made.  It is time to change the value conversation because if that occurs, the lawyer/client relationship transforms.  Law firms that can understand the client’s perception of value, and deliver services in a manner and at a price aligned with value, have a major competitive advantage in these challenging times.

We can help clients and lawyers transform the relationship and the delivery of legal services to ensure an enhanced experience.  Our expertise is in facilitating great relationships between clients and their lawyers, ensuring all expectations are identified, managed and met (or exceeded!)  Sorting out the ground rules at the time of engagement develops trust, clarity, avoids later disputes, and ensures the working relationship is one where both parties gain value.


    ➤ Melbourne, Australia

    ☎ +61 411 100 724



    Let's Chat.

    Use the form below to contact us regarding your enquiry or call on +61 411 100 724. Many clients want to explore how we can work with them to help, and a phone call or initial meeting can be useful.